Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chicken Noodle Soup

I was sick, lil man got sick, hubby got sick and now miss beautiful is sick. Chicken noodle soup just seemed like the perfect idea. There is a slight problem, Matt and I are not vegetable fans. I don't like most of the textures but love the flavors. Matt, just hates them all. The recipe I was going by (usually make it up as I go but I found this one in my Look + Cook by Rachael Ray) used celery and carrots. UGH! I hate cooked carrots. Something about them is just nasty. The smell, feel and taste, eww. There is a new effort to figure out how to get vegetables in our food (without Matt's knowledge) so I was up to the challenge. The recipe, if you don't make your own noodles right then, took me about 45 minutes....ish.

First things first, make the noodles. I love homemade noodles. Totally worth the effort and I had Claire's help. She had a blast laying out the noodles, mama's help of course. I rolled them as flat as I could so they would dry fast. That alone only took a few hours. I had them drying right under our ceiling fan. To help with my veggie problem I chopped the celery as fine as I could. The carrots turned out almost perfect with an idea I had. I shredded them! Could barely feel them let alone taste. Sure the flavor came out in the soup, which doesn't bother me. The only change I really made was I didn't use the bay leaf. I keep forgetting to grab some from the store. Also, I don't have onions in the house or fresh garlic. Usually any recipe I have that calls for them I use powder or garlic from a jar. Happy Eating! Oh, and if you know how to make a soup with noodles and not have the noodles soak up all the liquid....let me know!

Rachael Ray's Official Website :: Cure-a-Cold Spring Chicken Soup

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